Monday, September 12, 2011

The Year My Tonsils Died

I remember it well. It was the year of 1961. I was twenty-one and deathly sick, high fever, swollen tonsils. Two weeks in the bed, trying to sweat it out.

By sweating it out I mean I covered up to get the sweating going until the fever broke. But that time it did not work.

A doctor was finally called. He came to the house and jerked the covers off me, and, believe it or not I instantly felt better. . . So much for old remedies.

My point to this whole story, we never heard of Government assistance. In my book you can see how we hung on to the American dream. (Click Here)

Well, my tonsils did die. Never missed another day of work because of them again.

But, but, but, . . . I'm ashamed to say it. A co-worker convinced me to apply for out of work benefits and I received one week's assistance from the State.

50 YEARS LATER, a friend suggested to look into using available assistance from the State to fence in the spring that feeds our pond. I called. Four, very polite young people, arrived to check out the lay of the land. Two folks from the State and two folks from the Feds came. Both teams drove a brand new, large, four wheel drive SUV. ( ain't the gettin' good?)

I qualified for assistance. Great.

But my gut feeling was not in it. As nice it would be to take $2,000 from the Government, I JUST CAN NOT DO IT. NEVER!

With the help of the Lord, this Country has given me everything,  Why should I sponge? Don't we have too many sucking the sow already?


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