Saturday, June 30, 2012

Who Is Your God?

I know we had some real extreme weather lately. Temperatures soared into the high nineties and even climbed over a 100 to really make a statement.

Then the Lord sent one of His alerting small puffs toward Virginia. His wind slammed into our area at hurricane force and caused numerous power outages. Then the heat returned the following day.

Now ASSUMING that the weatherman is always correct about the temperature, and that the Appalachian Power Company's men are overwhelmed way into next week, and assuming that folks would wilt without air conditioning, the fathers of our church cancelled services for the upcoming Sunday. (A similar call was made several years ago when the weatherman called for a foot of snow for the weekend, but lo and behold, we only got a flurry.)

I guarantee you, there was not one ballgame called because of the heat. How come folks don't wilt sitting out in the sun watching a ballgame?

Our church has a roof on making shade. It has windows allowing a breeze to blow through. The church has a basement where it is always cooler with a hundred chairs for ready use. We also have a pavilion with open sides all around. All these blessings are given to us by the Lord so we could have church at anytime.

So church was called. But who called the folks. Most of the people's home phone did not work because of the outage. Not many reveal their cell phones. So who'll lead the folks in the worship of the Lord who came to church not having heard of the closing?

I say church should never be closed because of weather related reasons. If one person comes to worship, he or she should find the doors open.

Years ago, at our church, I helped Miss Jenny Vanderhugel, 86 years old, up the ice-covered front steps. She came to worship. Ice or no ice. I'm glad the doors were open.

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