Saturday, August 13, 2011

Banana-Not Ripe Yet!

You folks do not know what you're missing. A banana shouldn't taste like a persimmon.

What is the matter with you folks? Why does banana bread taste like banana bread??? Because you used ripe bananas!

I'm waiting for this one to get ripe. . . .

When a banana turns black, all God's richness of flavor, aroma and pungency comes to fruition. You then pinch the thing open on one end, gingerly holding it to keep it from flopping over, then spoon, a bite at a time, the fermented delicacy into your mouth.

Ahh . . . the flavor!

Ahh . . . the fizz of a mild liqueur titillating your nostrils. (not enough for hick-ups)

When I was twelve years old, a street vendor would not sell me a ripe banana for four pennies. Four pennies was all I had. He wanted five. As luck would have it, I found the penny needed in a sidewalk window well.
      I purchased my first banana, totally black, with my own money. Good is not the word. Delicious is temporary.  That Black banana was DIVINE!

You can purchase and read the full story, and 129 others in my book. Click here


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