Friday, August 26, 2011

If This Barn Could Talk . . .

If this barn could talk.

If this barn could talk, it would moan about the heavy snows it had to endure the past one-hundred years. Its back is hurting, stooped over, and creaking from being tested.

If this barn could talk, It would tell stories of Betsy the milk cow. It would talk about a time when eight children lived at the big house and Trudy and Dagmar also chipped in to supply butter and cheese.

It would tell of a time when no wind would challenge. When it stood erect, proud to weather all seasons.

A time when it didn't need crutches, and it backbone was strong.

If this barn could talk it would tell me who cut these vents into the chestnut boards. Was it before WW I when the Iron Cross had power?

But it is talking, and it warms my soul. The tin roof is thick. It may look like copper. It'll do, come the rain or snow. "I'll show them," it is saying. I'll be around a while longer. You watch me!


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