Monday, August 15, 2011



When the moon casts his spell . . . .

. . . . and he sees himself in the stillness of the deep blue . . . .

. . . . Then, continuing his path, he inspects the tips of the tall pines surrounding the cabin.

I can't but marvel as he settles in to watch, making sure the peace of the night is not disturbed.


Rejoice in the Lord when you wake in the morning. Inhale His creation and His love for you.

At our place, and as it should be wherever you are, it is a time of reflecting, a time of thanksgiving, a time of acknowledging His blessings.

Carol and I will have coffee and a good breakfast to start the day. . . . . How many in Somalia are hungry this morning?

Remember He gives us the day and our daily bread. . . . And we shall thank Him!


Mindy said...


this is the parson of bunker hill. thank you so so very much for the words of devotion here on the blog. this post was extremely moving and powerful... thanks once again.

Sally Roseveare said...

Franz, this was beautiful.