Saturday, July 9, 2011

One Tiny Mamma

Other than a humming bird, this has to be the smallest bird I've seen. Not only did I see it, I watched it work itself to death trying to feed and protect her brood.

You can see it, little bug in mouth, about to enter her hidden stash of young'ns.

The nest was cleverly hidden between the two red folding chairs, leaning against the rail. She found a crack on one end and crawled toward the middle of the stacked chairs, until it got too tight to turn around. I would not have known the bunch was there, for her and her mate carrying on every time my wife and I walked near. We could not count how many of the little peep-squeeks there were, because the beaks were bigger than their bodies.

Three days before their leaving of the nest we counted six of them. The place obviously got a little crowded. The little mamma still hangs around, all nervous with no more little ones to feed. He who cares for the sparrow, how much more will He take care of you?

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