Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Snakes, The Quiet Helpers

Since the beginning, snakes have gotten a bad name. Rightfully so, the serpent deceived, and man fell from the fellowship with God.

But, snakes are still a creature created by our Maker. We were told by Him to have dominion of all the creatures He made.

Among the animal world, snakes are a tremendous asset in controlling rats, mice and insects. I suppose in the middle ages, when the black plague wreaked havoc with the peoples of Europe, an invasion of snakes would have shortened the suffering.

It seems to me that women have always been terrified by a snake. Just the mention of one makes them shudder. As it also does my wife.

I bought a black garden hose and placed it along the edge of our mulched flower bed. In theory it shortened the trip to the spigot when in need to fill the watering can. One day, my wife while tending to her plants and flowers reached for the hose. When, within inches of picking up the hose, she realized the hose had a strange tapered shape that was not so the last time. She let out a shriek, loud enough for the neighbor across the street to come running.

With her heart in her throat she called on me to "Do something." And I did.

I came and diagnosed the situation. (A man thing). The snake had wiggled its way into a mouse or mole tunnel under the mulch. only its tail was exposed and near the black garden hose.

I grabbed hold of the tail and started to pull. My wife by then was in her windowless sewing room with the door locked.

I gently tugged, not wanting to tear the creature's tail off. When I started to pull, the snake expanded its body and was not moving backward. I kept up the pressure. I noticed the only progress of backing up was when the snake relaxed. Inch by inch, slowly, in time, it came out of the hole.

Now, what should I have done with it? Kill it? Absolutely not. I carried it to our old pond and let it feast on varmints that I'm sure will crawl to get a drink of water.


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