Friday, April 13, 2012

Tickled Pink

Pink does not always have to relate to ones political beliefs or associations. (although you never will see me wearing a pink shirt!)

Pink is often the color of spring. A soft awakening of new life. Redbud trees flashing their pink profusion, mixed with the showing of frail light greens of nearby trees and bushes, is one of God's paintings of nature.

Blue Ridge Parkway

A week or two after the redbuds, the dogwoods are in full bloom. In our yard we love the pink dogwood showing off.

Again only God can reveal His creation with such glory.

As I ponder His everlasting love for us, and bring into focus the meaning of Easter, I can just wonder what the morning of Jesus's resurrection displayed? What did the two women see as they hurried to the tomb?

I venture to say it was more beautiful than this.

Easter morning at 6:50am 2012


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