Monday, August 6, 2012

Palet Knife Oil Painting

Impressionistic painting does not have to be a challenge. Just dab, smear and watch it come alive.

 Look at the fun our seven year old granddaughter had.

Dabs of paint are fun. But, but - - all projects start with bubble gum. This pot was full an hour earlier.

The tools and paint are simple. No thinners needed to clean up. Just wipe the pallet knife clean.

Remember, a pallet knife is a little spatula. You paint with the pointed end in dabs and strokes and smears. The theory is: let the eye mix the colors. These oil paints have hung around since 1982, the last time I painted on canvas.

A closeup of the dabs and smears of the seven year old's piece of art.

This one is the master piece of one of my thirteen year old granddaughter's.

This one turned out to be one of our ten year old boy's masterpiece.

I re-sized some old frames to show off their work. The kids went home happy. A good time was had by all.


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