Saturday, September 10, 2011

OLD GLORY You Shall Never Die


As a Nation sometimes we get tangled and wrapped up. . .

We may get ripped. . .

We may get tattered and torn. . .

We may have some to split off, but hang on. . .

We, as a nation, with our wide range of political ideology, may have a gap in the middle. . .

BUT,  . . . as far as our house, OLD GLORY flies high above the roof.

I remember when the first Walmart opened in our neighborhood. When one entered, a giant American Flag was proudly displayed on the wall, boasting "We sell American made goods."

What happened?

Recently I picked up a used 2x4 to make a handrail. I was sanding off the stains, rough holes and nicks when I spotted this most glorious image.

Totally surprised, it almost brought me to tears. . . Why am I affected so?  Because I see this country heading toward the brink. I immigrated here in 1955 and this Country offered Life, Liberty and Justice. I can't stand the thought we may be losing this uniqueness, this gift of God.

Why is the mighty American oak hollowed out by termites that never get enough?
Where is the patriotism, the pride, the unity and common purpose to build and make this a stronger Nation?

Do you look for what may make a difference?

It upsets me terribly when I see a person wearing a pair of shorts having the American Flag plastered all around it, or a dog wearing a flag cape.

Respect and love for Country and one another, where has it gone? It is still  The Golden Rule!


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