Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Botulism and Company

Wash your Hands! . . . Wash your Hands! . . .

We wash and sterilize everything we come in contact with. We as Americans have become so 'pure' that we have to bring our own lunches from this country to eat when traveling overseas.

Below is a Butcher shop. Part of a hog or goat hangs in full view. The friendly dealer will cut you a slice from the carcass. You bring your own wrapper. No Health department or FDA here. "If you got the money honey, we've got the meat."

If goat isn't your thing, how about chicken innerts? . . . Just look at those fresh gizzards! . . . hearts and livers. . .  If that doesn't make your mouth water, check out those chicken feet! . . . If you gnaw on that gristle inside those chicken feet you wont have to take any more of those glucosemin pills! 

For real company fair, you've got to offer some turtle soup. You can choose from turtle meat already carved and impeccably presented, or on the half shell.  

Don't worry about the eggs the green flies have laid; they wont hatch after you boil up the delicacies.


Hey, let's not gripe about this country, . . . you ain't got it all that bad!


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