Saturday, March 24, 2012

Not All Plumbing Is Indoors

Carol and I have seen a variety of privies. Some just a circular bamboo fence. Some out of mud, or tin, or sod, or blocks, or curtains.

Most privies have no roof. You wouldn't want to linger anyway.

The next picture shows a typical setup. Iquitos, Peru.

Above are two public restrooms. Sheets of plastic and other stuff for privacy. The privies span a small stream. Since there is never any toilet paper in use, the evidence is quickly absorbed by the water's flow.

Here you see the same stream and the surrounding neighborhood. Some of the dwellings up the road have their own outhouses from which a 4inch plastic pipe slides the sewage into the same creek.

Kids do not play in the water, but chickens do a lot of scratching around.
You see that the government did install some poles, but electricity is very sporadic and no one can afford it anyway.

Since there are no cars or even bicycles in use, I assume the lady here is selling fish that came out of the same stream a bit downriver.

I have spoken to many Vietnam veterans, they describe similar scenarios in rural areas of that country.

I recently heard there are 50,000,000 poor people in our country, about 16 out of a 100. . . . GIVE ME A BREAK! Most folks don't know what poor is.


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