Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Boy They Grow Fast!

I just put two-hundred bluegills and one-hundred crappies in the new pond two years ago. I knew they'd multiply fast, but grow fast, and how big I couldn't imagine.

Fishing from my deck recently, I hooked into this monster. I tried to play him until he got tired, instead be broke the line and the pole smacked me up the side of my head so hard I saw stars. When I came to, the whitecaps of the wave he generated had washed over the dock and sank the wrought iron lawn chairs in the pond.

They grow them big, I swear!

What's the difference between a tall tale and a lie?


Sally Roseveare said...

I can picture it now!

Franz X Beisser said...

I haven't retrieved the wrought iron chairs out of the pond yet!